Placing Orders to Ship from Your Local Warehouse

  • Orders are sent to the warehouses via facsimile. Most often they arrive at the warehouse the same day unless order exceptions occur. When possible, place orders the day before they are required for release. This will help to avoid processing delays.
  • If an unanticipated need arises, you may ask us to fax up to two orders to the warehouse. Please allow TWO HOURS from the time you place the order. On busy days we are faxing orders continuously to our warehouses. Your order will transmit in the order it was received.
  • All orders include a warehouse fee.
  • When you place your order, ask us for the COD amount.
  • Warehouses can ship orders only to the “ship to” address designated on the order.
  • You must make arrangements for will call (pick up) or shipment from the warehouse with the warehouse contact person,before you arrive at the warehouse. The contact will confirm the COD amount. Please have your cashier’s or certified check for the exact order amount before delivery occurs.
  •  Finished goods orders are “automatically” shipped if received prior to the same day cut time. Parts orders are shipped automatically the same day if received before the warehouse cut-off.

Call Mike Rowan (216-529-6857)
if you have problems with any carrier or any warehouse at any time.
See the following page for information on how to handle freight problems.


Ordering Guidelines

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The Journey Continues

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