No Call, No Visit

Federal law requires all Distributors to maintain a “do not call” list of people who do not want to receive any telephone solicitations. It establishes penalties for calling people who have previously requested omission. Periodically, consumers will call CR and ask that we notify Distributors in their area to refrain from calling them.

CR then notifies all active Distributors, Distributor Trainees and service centers in their area to discontinue calling their phone number or visiting their residence.

  • nocallCR sends memo to the respective Division and all Distributors, DTs and service centers in the consumer’s area. The memo contains the consumer’s name, address and phone number.
  • CR inputs the information in the computer on the “no call, no visit” program by Division, consumer’s name, and date the request was received and sent to the respective parties.
  • This information remains permanently in the computer record for any future references.
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The Journey Continues

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